Tech Influencer! Loves to spread dev-related info;
.NetCore, Java/Kotlin, Angular, Javascript/Typescript, Heroku, Azure (Functions, Service Bus, Storage, Application Insights, App Services), Unit Test (xUnit) Resharper/Rider Microservice, LLBLGEN, Entity Framework Core, MassTransit, Javascript, LESS, AspnetZero, AspnetBoilerplate, Mediatr&CQRS, Regex, Hangfire, Jenkins, svn/git, Teamcity, Octopus, TestProject/Selenium, OOP, Object Oriented Design, Entity Framework, Unit Testing, Contentful, HeadlessCMS, and more!
As being a SDE2 in Amazon, in the Alexa Shopping Multimodal Experiencs team, we are focusing on developing rich customer experiences.
They, as expected, running on AWS services and we are using APL language in the front-end side, Kotlin on the backend side.
This position enabled me to do development on Java technology stack.
Tech Stack: AWS, Java/Kotlin, Alexa Presentation Language (APL), many other internal tools
Within Enerjisa Uretim, we develop corporate projects that are being used in our powerplants all over
We work fully Agile by the way. Unit test and UI tesing is so much important for us in order to ensure high
quality of our projects.
I can clearly state that we are developing .netcore&Angular 8 stack applications using Aspnetzero/Aspnetboilerplate
Tech Stack: AspnetBoilerplate, AspnetZero, Angular, Typescript
I have been working as a Lead Consultant (formerly, as Senior Consultant) in Vektora, within the department
of Microsoft. We are implementing huge integrations, internal and external web application according to our
customer needs. As consultants, we are 7/24 reachable due to the fact that we are responsible of huge
external systems like:,, and so on.
I am also responsible about
Framework Development within the company, which is being distributed among most of our projects.
Tech Stack: soa architecture, wcf/asmx, webforms,
mvc, .netcore, ef, ninject, svn/git, ms sql, heroku, jquery, and many front-end technologies.
Hostamedia could be counted as my first professional software experience; I started there as junior
developer, worked for almost 4 years (with a 6 month break due to millitary services).
The company is so
popular within the Hotel Websites sector of the web agencies; they got strong references like The Marmara
Hotels, The House Hotels, Avantgarde Group and so on.
We were mostly doing back-end integrations to their
prebuilt CMS systems. After some time, I started developing plugins for the CMS systems and contrib part of
the company Framework.
Technologies being used: Webforms, LLBLGEN (instead of EF),
.net 3.5, svn, ms sql, jquery and many other front-end technologies.
Within the enjoyful department of MIS , I had education about numerous topics of business life additional to software development.
Additionally, I had extra courses from Computer Science and BIS Departments which would be helpful in my future life, in my opinion.
When it comes to my thesis, I created a project using AHP algorithm of Decision Support Systems.
GPA: 3.05
Within Enerjisa Uretim, we develop .netcore/angular8 applications that are being used in our powerplants. Fully implementing Agile principles, we develop high quality softwares using unit/ui testing and jenkins pipelines/sonarqube quality gates/trunk-based development and so on.
Tech Stack: AspnetBoilerplate, AspnetZero, Angular, Typescript
Kale Community portal is a facebook-like project for handymans. We renewed the project using .netcore framework, integrating salesforce and hosted it on Heroku. Integrations are both running on Hangfire for scheduled jobs and on-demand rest-api queries, too.
Tech Stack: .net core, redis, heroku, mongodb, postgresql.
YKK, our first .netcore project, 2 web applications, 1 web api, windows services, hangfire and some console applications composes this complex project. We tasted the new things came up with .netcore framework and we are very eager to use it much more.
Tech Stack: .net core
Garenta, a car-rental site; website, callcenter and branch screens are developed by Vektora. I have been working on all of the sites, integrations, services and anywhere of the project in order for our customer's needs.
Tech Stack: .net core
I have been giving support for From pos integration, to SAP/CRM and many other service providers, we have been mostly working on integration. This is the highest traffic site of Vektora actually. In parallel, we tried to do our best in order to increase performance of the site within the last two years; which resulted in on a single machine, this website can handle more than 5K users easily.
Tech Stack: .net mvc, jquery, less
The Marmara group website was the biggest project for Hostamedia. It was the candidate of us for Altın Örümcek that year.
Tech Stack: .net webforms, jquery, less